Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mere survival

A dear friend of mine was lamenting her lot in life. Not in a pitiful or whiny way, but in the way people in their early-20s often think when the world jumps up and bites them in the ass. There is nothing wrong with someone wanting the world to be a fair place to live. I just don't know how far I should push my existentialist belief when it comes to dealing with her.
Life is not about mere survival; it is about living. But, to my way of thinking, one cannot live until they have freed themselves from the belief that life was, is, or will be fair. The only meaning to life is that which we give it.
Some may find this bleak. It isn't. Living without delusions is the freest and happiest a person can truly be. We just have to get there. My worst delusion is believing this is entirely possible.

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