Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The things I don't do for Zombies...

Bern's just this bunny, y'know.
Anyway, she made this and I want it.

She made this and sent me a copy.

I lost my copy THAT VERY DAY. She doesn't send me things anymore. Even a copy of this (which I BEGGED FOR):
Other people still send me stuff.
Like Jane:
And Jen:
She knitted that scarf just for me!
Someone even left this outside my door one night:
But it wasn't Bern. She'd be afraid I'd lose it a couple hours later.
But I want a slutty sock zombie. So I made this blog. I needed to link back to her Blog and take a picture of bread. You really should check out her blog; it is ten flavours of pure awesome. And now, ladies and gentlemen, bread.

If I had photoshopped in a cool way, I would have got two entries. Maybe it's lazy and FAT!
There you have it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, I should get prints of that robot made one day. Looks like you're already rolling in free gifts and stuff, though.


    Okay okay. I'm glad you entered. I won't even say a word about laziness because I like it when people write messages on bread in mustard in the middle of the night. I don't even know if it qualifies as ugly. It's a little banksy.

    In accordance with the rules and regulations, you get 2 entries, but one more because it's like: a morph of excellence.

    Thanks, eh?
